piggy-bankIn order to establish your membership with L.C.E. Federal Credit Union, you must open a regular savings account with a minimum balance of $25.00.  You are then a member-owner and you have voting rights at the annual business meeting. Dividends are posted quarterly.  Click here to apply. 

Additional Savings Accounts

Once your membership is established with a regular savings account, additional savings accounts can be opened for other purposes such as income or real estate taxes or insurance.  This is a great way to budget and have funds available when you need them.  Dividends are posted quarterly.

Christmas Club Savings Account

The Christmas Club savings account is a perfect way to save for the holidays.  This account can be established anytime throughout the year.  There is no minimum balance requirement and dividends are paid quarterly.  A great way to build this account is through direct deposit.  Funds are not available for withdrawal throughout the year.  The balance is automatically transferred to your regular savings account at the beginning of October so you can begin shopping for the holidays. 

Vacation Club Accounts

The Vacation Club Account is a great way to set money aside for your travel needs.  This account can be established at anytime throughout the year and is continuous.  There is no minimum balance and dividends are paid quarterly.  Only two withdrawals are permitted from this account per year.

Money Market Accounts

Our Money Market account has a minimum balance requirement of $2,000.00.  The account earns daily dividends which post to the account monthly.  The account allows up to three withdrawals or transfers per month at a minimum amount of $250.00.

Share Certificates

Our Share Certificates are available in a number of terms, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36 and 60 months and have varying interest rates.  To see our current rates, click here. The dividends are posted quarterly, and there is a penalty of 90 days worth of dividends for surrendering the certificate before the maturity date.


Star/ATM Cards are available for our members with savings accounts only.  The card with a pin number allows withdrawals from any Star or Plus Network ATM.  If you use an ATM owned by another financial institution, that institution may impose an additional charge.
Click here to apply

Credit unions, like other financial institutions, are closely regulated and operate in a very prudent manner. The National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF), administered by the National Credit Union Administration, an agency of the federal government, insures deposits of credit union members at more than 9,000 federal and state-chartered credit unions nationwide. Deposits are insured up to $250,000.